Sunday, June 8, 2008

Out With the Old, In With the New

June 8, 2008


I've been at my new site for just over 2 mos now and I LOVE it. :) It was a much needed and much appreciated move. My new site is in Kibaale District, and the area is just as beautiful as the Southwest. And just as cool, thank the gods. I think it rains here a lot more than in Mbarara, but that's fine by me. The rainstorms are actually pretty crazy out here. Crazy awesome. Until one of my rooms ends up semi-flooding. Then I'm just the crazy muzungu who squeegies out her room. lol It's great crazy entertainment for the Ugandans.

Sometimes I think that I was meant to be at my new site. Funnily enough, I went out to Kibaale District for my PCV visit during training. I now live 15 minutes away from where I spent my visit. So, it's kind of like a full-cirlce. Or something. But, I know I'm in the right place for now.

Anyways, in short, things are looking up and up.


Sadly, my stomach is acting up again. I thought I had Giardia, but I was wrong. Then, I thought I had amoebas (much cooler than Giardia), but, again, I was wrong. Apparently there's nothing wrong with me. Except for the fact that my intenstines don't like me very much right now. And I don't like them. Sadness.

Big Fire

One of my favourite things to do now is cook with my new Ugandan friends. I've started cooking on the sigiri (charcoal stoves) and also just using wood. Somehow it's just more fun than using a gas stove. The best part, I get to burn things! It's especially fun when I get a huge fire going under the sauce pan. hehe So much fun that, in fact, I'm thinking of figuring out a way to bring home a sigiri. :D